James Bushnell jnr • Aug 23, 2023

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has donated; it means a lot.

I just wanted to give you guys an update on my progression. I have finished my second cycle of chemo and now have a break. I have started my injections that help bring up my white blood cell count, so I have to do this consistently for 7 days. Last time, I did these injections after my first cycle, and I only had to do it for 6 days. I went for a blood test, and the results came back showing that my white cell count has shot up. So, I am hoping for the same result and that they shoot back up next week. I am seeing the specialist to have a quick update on how I am doing and to see if I have lost any weight or if anything needs to change with my medication, etc. Then, on Friday, September 1st, I have a PET scan to see how these two cycles of chemo have killed or reduced the size of any cancer in my body. We will also see with the results how many cycles of chemo I will need, as the plan is bespoke to me and how I am going to get rid of it.

Mentally, I'm feeling really good as I always look for the small wins when I am having my chemo, which keeps me positive. But I am always trying to keep myself busy when I'm home, learning new songs on my guitar and keeping up with Leeds transfer news as it seems to be ramping up now with who we are interested in. However, I'm feeling good eating a lot as I'm taking steroid tablets, so I'm always snacking. I'm constantly talking to my friends who I miss but can't wait to see them all when they all come back from Uni, which will be soon. So I'm very excited about that.


By James Bushnell jnr 07 Sep, 2023
I just wanted to let everyone know about my PET scan result....and I’m glad to say that it is a very positive outcome! The bit that was attached to my hip bone has now gone and the other bits around my body have either gone or have gotten smaller. Unfortunately, there is a small stubborn spot remaining in my chest, which means I will need to undergo the full 6 cycles of chemotherapy. However, I am feeling really good and maintaining a positive mindset so that I can kick its arse. On another note, I wanted to make you aware that September is dedicated to raising awareness for blood cancer, including lymphoma, a form of this disease. Shockingly, blood cancer ranks as the fifth most prevalent type of cancer in the UK, and even more alarming is the fact that it is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Despite these statistics, blood cancer remains largely hidden and misunderstood. Recently, after my 3rd cycle of chemo, I have been feeling more tired than sick. So, again, this is another positive as I'd rather feel tired than sick. Yes, sometimes I feel a little bit icky when having my chemo, but the kind nurses are on hand to give me anything I need to make me not feel sick. Over my three cycles so far, I have been lucky to have only been sick once and that my body has reacted really well to the treatment they have given me. But I also want to add that having a positive mindset helps massively and seeing how much love and support I am getting from everyone is giving me a positive mental attitude to get rid of this. So, thank you all so much as you are all helping me fight this battle. 
By James Bushnell jnr 23 Aug, 2023
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has donated; it means a lot.
By James Bushnell jnr 10 Aug, 2023
I just wanted to give you guys an update on how I am doing. First of all I wanted to talk about my pet scan results and how positive it was when I saw the comparison from before treatment to having 2 cycles of chemotherapy. Seeing the massive difference and how well it has been working has given me that extra boost of positivity to get rid of what is left. But with the positives there was also some downs, namely when I was having the injections to boost my white blood cell count. On the 4th night of having the injections, I got horrendous lower back pain. The only way to describe it was a weight on the lower part of my back. It felt like all my disks were going to pop out and my body would seize up and I’d be screaming in pain but if that happens again, I do have stronger medication to take instead of just paracetamol and ibuprofen. I have also nearly finished my 4th cycle of chemo and it has made me feel really tired. I have been sleeping a lot when I have been at the ward having my treatment. When I am asleep it does help time go quicker! But I'd rather feel sleepy and be tired, than be feeling sick, so that’s just a bonus! Everything is on course for me to kick its arse. I recently saw my friends again, which was really nice. We played mini golf, went out for some food and had a really nice time, just being with my second family basically. I was soon back in Manchester as my student film from my 1st year was accepted into a film festival. I went to that and it was such an amazing experience to see my short film in a small cinema room and to see it get a good reception from others was just unbelievable. Much love James
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